
Showing posts from 2015

arch update ignore kernel

The latitude is affected by this kernel bug: I should make a UEFI entry for booting to the LTS kernel, but I haven't got around to this yet. So in the meantime I think I'll do what's advised in this page: and add IgnorePkg = Linux to /etc/pacman.conf so the kernel isn't touched until the mainline resolves the bug. [edit: did this and updated. The next time I booted I had the same problem as before. downgraded the kernel and it worked again. Need to look at moving to LTS kernel, I think]


Just realised I never concluded my strand on trying to get arch installed with UEFI boot on the asus laptop. I've given up, but I think I have good reason to. It's clear that unless the arch live iso boots with UEFI, the hooks, or efi variables or whatever (this happened a while ago) are not available to the ne w installation. The asus wouldn't boot in UEFI mode when I burned a disk either, and none of the suggested workarounds were getting me anywhere (the most common idea was to copy the contents of one efi boot file to another - presumably to force UEFI boot - but then I got into this whole read-only filesystem bullshit that was too much of a K-hole to resolve). Funnily enough, almost all the references to this issue that I could find online had to do with asus motherboards of one sort or another, so I'm chalking this up to shitty UEFI implementation on my cheapo asus and leaving it at that. The main purpose of the exercise was just to see how fast I could get

Arch install process - UEFI

I was sure I wrote this stuff down the first time I fumbled through an arch uefi install. Guess not. Since this is going to be the process I use in whatever new laptop I end up getting, I thought I'd best record it as I go. A few differences from previous arch self-guide. I'm not doing the partitioning from a gui in a live CD, I'm just using the archlive installation usb to run cli programs like gdisk. I'm also not using LVM - I'll need to look at how that works with UEFI and stuff going forward. I'm using a 128G SSD, so don't need / can't have loads of other OSs. Anyway, let's go. Clear disk, create partitions and filesystems Boot into the latest arch iso then run gdisk on the disk you want to use (sda here): gdisk /dev/sda Clear the existing partition table: O Create a new EFI System partition n 1 [return] +512M ef00 Create swap partition: n 2 [return] +2G 8200 Create a partition on the rest of the disk for the OS and

Arch uefi troubleshooting

I've been messing around trying to get this working and my current train of thought is as follows: The efivars stuff isn't mounted or even present int newly installed arch system. Nor is it so on the live installation medium. I dont think I can get the new system to uefi boot unless the uefi kernel parameters are present in the live medium. I was assuming that the live USB was booting in efi mode but when I manually try to select this in the BIOS it fails. I turned off legacy boot for USB in the BIOS and the USB wouldn't read at all. So the only fix I have to pursue right now involves going into the USBs EFI/boot directory and copying loader.EFI to bootx86.EFI (or something). Trouble is, this is a read only filesystem and none of the workarounds for that have worked. I tried mount -o remount,rw /dev/sda and hdparms -r0 /dev/sda1 and variations and combinations of these but it insists the fs is read only. Current plan is Make fs rw Cp loader to x86 file as above Bo

remove window decoration

I want to get rid of window decorations. Hard to find simple instructions, but eventually made an attempt: How can I turn off window titlebars (window decorations) in gnome shell/mutter? and where it links the instructions under "Method 2" here, First I had to find the xml file. Look in ~/.themes/curretntly\ selected\ theme//index.theme This pointed me to the theme Ambience-Flat-AA-GnomeShell/metacity-1/metacity-theme-2.xml which I backed up and then edited with the values described in the post. Now to restart X and see what's what... [Edit] nothing happened. I'm pretty sure the window decoration can be removed via metacity settings or some gtk tweak, but in the end I installed devilspie and gdevilspie and following a reboot, I have no titlebars .neat [edit, 16/1/16]  Finally decided that the lack of borders made distiniguishing all my title-bar-less windows with identical grey styling diffucult. Activated compositing and immediately got drop shadows, wh

arch menu icon

I had replaced the mate-panel menu icon with the arch logo, When I scaled down the panel, it flipped back at a certain size. I finally found that it had changes from /usr/share/icons/Numix/24x24/places/start-here.svg to /usr/share/icons/Numix/16x16/places/start-here.svg. Replaced the icon, killed panel, job done.

virtualbox drag and drop

Guest additions needs to be activated. You've probably got as far as mounting it. from the terminal at /media/cdrom/ sudo sh ./ ought to do it. Make sure the guest settings are right for drag and drop and clipboard. I couldn't get this working with Debian for some reason (fucking Debian), but it works with CentOs and Linux Mint.

pdf to png/jpg/etc

Not often I learn something at work that I need to put on here. Anyway, imagemagick: convert -density 600 input_file.pdf output_file.png Gives me a lovely hi-def version of the image. Too hi, probs, but at least it's relatively easy to resize (down) once it's in the appropriate image format.


From here:   swap the colon and semi colon characters to minimise shift-pressing:   nnoremap ; :   nnoremap : ;     

test lab 1

I have windows server 2012 installed on an old laptop (Advent) and Windows 7 installed on a newer, but cheap laptop (Asus). I'm just at the initial page when server is asking what roles I want to set up, and I thought I'd make notes as I go along. Maybe it'd be sensible to read up ahead of time, but I'm not going toI'm just going to dive right in. OK, the roles and features wizard is asking me to verify that the Admin account has a strong password - check. Network settings, such as static IP addresses are configured - nope. Security updates are in place. Well no, but I don't care about that. IP addresses.... well fuck it, I'll batter on while the baby's asleep. ... My laptop's too shit to run hypervisor. Going to knock it off for now and rethink.

Setting up test lab - 1

losing network (dell latitude)

This has been bothering me for a while, and I've been rebooting to get reconnected. Not a good solution. The following command just worked for me: netctl restart my-network I'll continue testing with this and see if it works out for me. Forums suggest this is a bug with netctl and downgrading to an earlier version of wpa-supplicant might be a fix. [UPDATE] the above command won't work on if the ip interface (for me wlp2s0) is already up - the netctl service won't touch it. To correct: ip link set wlp2s0 down then netctl restart my-network the my-network profile is kept at /etc/netcl/ btw.

morse script 2

I'll copy in the actual code below later, but I can't right now because I'm using ssh to a headless machine at work. I gave up on reading the letters from a separate text file - seemed like too much overhead for what I wanted to do. Instead I've found out how to create an associative array within my bash script. This'll let me pass the user input variable as a key that will return the binary value. SO, I have the following: #!/bin/bash # declare array and assign values to each letter # make sure no spaced between array var, = and ( declare -A morseCode_arr=( [a]=01 [b]=1000 [c]=1010 [d]=100 [e]=0 [f]=0010 [g]=110 [h]=0000 [i]=00 [j]=0111 [k]=101 [l]=0100 [m]=11 [n]=10 [o]=111 [p]=0110 [q]=1101 [r]=010 [s]=000 [t]=1 [u]=001 [v]=0001 [w]=011 [x]=1001 [y]=1011 [z]=1100 ) echo 'Input string' read user_input #loop over the characters if the user input for (( s=0; s<${#user_input}; s++ )); do # retrieve the value from the array and assign to a new va

morse script 1

Last night I got it to the point where it'd take single characters of user input and play them as a long beep if 1, a short beep if 0 and error if other. It would only take one digit at a time though; a string of digits was rejected. At that stage it looked like this: #!/bin/bash echo "Enter a sequence of 1s and 0s representing dashes and dots:" read user_input for x in $user_input; do         if [[ $x = 1 ]]         then beep -l 300 -D 50         elif [[ $x = 0 ]]         then beep -l 150 -D 50         else echo "$x is not an acceptable character"         fi done I recognise that this is poorly formed. Anyway, I need it to iterate over each character in the user input. I see references to sed and awk and whatnot, and I don't understand that stuff, so I'm going to use the most basic form I can. I found the answer here : You can use a traditional for loop: foo = string for (( i = 0 ; i < $ {# foo }; i

morse script 0

I've been trying to think of good little projects or challenges to undertake, probably in bash, that'd help me develop my knowhow, so when I was in the bath reading Tales of Pirx the Pilot by Stanislaw Lem it gave me the idea of a little morse code testing script. The idea is that it beeps out letters at you and you have to enter the letter you think it is. I guess that then builds to using a file of dictionary words and then maybe sentences from your e-books or whatever, but one step at a time! I have a vague, aspirational notion that this could be worth submitting to Linux Voice, who are soliciting for writers at the moment. might be pie in the sky, but maybe worth a shot. So, what's my approach? Well, my first thought was to use bash, rather than python or antything. I'm looking for a real basic angle. Are there any built-in commands that use the system beep? It seems not in my Arch install, but I quickly find that my instinct to type "beep" is no

mate lock screen background

God, I've spent ages googling this after I moved some wallpapers around and the lock screen background changed to a horrible gradiant. I should've looked more closely at the Arch wiki, of course, where I eventually discovered this entry . looking at  /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/mate-background.gschema.override of course, I discover that I've already set this for an absolute path that's no longer valid. Sorted via the following amendement: org.mate.background] picture-filename='/usr/share/backgrounds/default.jpg' where default.jpg is a copy of my currently selected wallpaper. THEN you have to glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/ and restart x

no sound in VLC

run pavucontrol while VLC is playing something

citrix under Arch

First time getting Citrix running under Arch instead of Debian. Most straightforward one yet, thanks mostly to an updated installer from Citrix themselves. Download it from: unpack it and run: sudo ./setupwfc [go through install steps] that should pretty much do it, apart from sorting out the browser certs, which I finally managed using (I think) the following command: sudo ln -sf /etc/ssl/certs/* /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts/ having tried all kinds of other stuff I googled.

menu icon numix theme

sudo cp /usr/share/icons/Numix-Circle/scalable/apps/archlinux.svg /usr/share/icons/Numix/24x24/places/start-here.svg sudo cp /usr/share/icons/Numix-Circle/scalable/apps/archlinux.svg /usr/share/icons/Numix/24x24/places/novell-button.svg

conky autostart This works: edit ~/.config/autostart/conky.desktop like this: [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Version=0.9.4 Type=Application Name=conky Comment= Exec=conky -p 10 StartupNotify=false Terminal=false Hidden=false The -p 10 gives conky a 10 seconds break so that it starts drawing after the desktop is up. You can increase this pause if needs be.

arch latitude desktops

I've been really bad at writing up what I've been doing recently, probably because I've just been trying stuff and I don't know ahead of time what's going to work or what I'll be happy with. I was trying to get plasma 5 desktop all configured up real nice, but I was struggling with it a bit. on one hand it was almost TOO slick looking for my low-tech tastes. on the other it didn't seem to be as infinitely configurable as it's made out to be. at least, not so I could figure it out. to cap it all off the thing started crashing on me , so I decided to try mate again. The only thing that's put me off mate when I installed it independent of Mint has been the look, which was dumb, beacause it turns out I was only a theme away from something I like a lot. Just had a thought; I'll dump my terminal history below. It has lots of stuff there, but other things are missing. I must've used different terminals for those. Anyway the main points are:

no sound in Papers Please

No sound at all, actually. First I installed alsa-utils, checked alsamixer master was not muted. Installed pulseaudio and pavucontrol. This gave me sound on youtube but not the game. Eventually found this tip in the hotline miami AUR comments: On x86_64 I had to install lib32-libpulse to get sound working. Without the package there was that error: ALSA lib dlmisc.c:252:(snd1_dlobj_cache_get) Cannot open shared library /usr/lib32/alsa-lib/ AL lib: (EE) alsa_open_playback: Could not open playback device 'default': No such device or address

Partitioning and LVM

Wasn't getting anywhere with the partitions I built in the mint live distro with gparted and system-config-lvm - it kept complaining about corrupt GPT - so I decided to have a stab (and fstab! ha!) at using the cli tools in live arch. Turned out pretty well, I think. the best source was this one .

Dell Latitude E6520

Got an old laptop for free from a friend sympathetic to my plight. It's a bit of a dinosaur compared to my lost XPS, but it seems to have 8 gig of ram and be more or less functional. When I was installing Arch on the XPS I had to get to grips with the UEFI boot system, which I've not bothered with before. But since it's the future and since I've got another Dell with UEFI support, I figured I'd have another stab rather than use the distinctly legacy approach of GRUB. On the XPS I had to mess about quite a bit, but I eventually got there. The Latitude has given me more trouble, partly because I didn't take any notes on the XPS process (stupid!) and partly because I've had to start from scratch rather than have an existing UEFI partition and so forth ahead of time (or the Ubuntu installation that came with it). So I'm going to take this opportunity to update my Arch install process. I'm learning it pretty well now, having spent waaaaaaay more tim


After 6 months of research and deliberation and hard saving I bough the xps. For weeks I watched it inch its way from the manufactory in China to delays at Calais due to dock strikes to Lutterworth to London to me. Thursday afternoon I got it. Saturday morning someone jumped in my living room window and took it. I was playing with the toddler within sight of the house the whole time. My wife was in the kitchen. Unbelievable. House insurance, you say? Well since the house was occupied at the time it would be covered by insurance, they told me, except that the house insurance was not renewed so we had no cover. :(((((((( fuckin. £934 up in smoke. Hadn't even finished configuring it with Arch. fuck.

XPS todo

1) Upgrade bios to A04 (Store the update binary in /boot/efi or on a USB flash drive and use the F12 key during bootup to update). 2) Download linux headers and broadcom-wl driver module tarball to another computer and transfer to the XPS by usb/flashcard. I assume I need to install these in the live arch environment to give me access to the internet, then go to step 3), continue installation, and remember to install the drivers in chroot as well... I am not going to use the broadcom-wl-dkms as I don't fancy the potential hassle and don't expect to be upgrading the kernel super-often (though maybe in Arch I'll be obliged to). See the broadcom arch wiki page for more info and troubleshooting. There's useful stuff on the article's discussion page, too. I should say *potentially* useful stuff. Tip: Broadcom users: If wifi-menu and iwlist scan fail after driver installation and reboot, try disabling "Wireless Switch" control in the BIOS. Tip


Here's the first thing : "Regarding the WiFi adapter choices, both cards do work in Arch, but the Dell DW1560 requires a proprietary kernel module that is not well-supported, whereas the Intel 7265 is supported by the mainline kernel." Guess which one I have coming? That's right, the one that needs the proprietary kernel module. Seems like it can be easily replaced, though: "This card is generally available as an aftermarket purchase for those wishing to replace the Broadcom wireless in their laptop. In direct comparison with the Broadcom module, the Intel module has a 2-3 times wider reception range and way higher throughput, making it an worthwhile upgrade should you decide to do so. It's important to mention that said Intel module exists as both a WLAN standalone and WLAN/Bluetooth combination module. Both work, so it's your decision if you are willing to pay extra to get Bluetooth support or not." Good stuff. Here it is , if I wan

RIP hp probook 4340s

Probook died, unfortunately. I assumed it was the hdd and bought an sdd to replace it, but it's not. Arse. After much deliberation and some loin-girding I got out the credit card and ordered the Dell xps 13 2015 developers edition I've been fantasising about and deliberating over for, like, months. It's not due for delivery 'til 6th July, so I'm prepping for all the ill-advised shit I'll want to do almost straight away. Or so I imagine. I'll play with Ubuntu for a while I guess. Install cinnamon, probs. I'm not sure there'll be any major advantage in Mint over Ubuntu. Who knows. I do expect, though, to want to go to Arch sooner or later, though. And I might as well start preparing for that. So I'll start with the facts in the next post because I don't think I'll be interested in this narrative crap any time soon.

adapting caja places paths in short: edit ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs

VLC not playing DVD, Handbrake not getting source...

install libdvdcss

trying to get AUR packages to work

crappy fonts

Arch & KDE Plasma 5

Man, I just can't give up on Arch. It calls to me. I feel good about this one, though. My previous experience and lean, customised install guide mean I managed to get the install process down to about 40 minutes last night. Here't the reall revelation: KDE plasma 5, easily installed from the main repos and it looks good enough to use from the off. Finally. The whole configuration of a decnt looking DE was what really stopped me in my tracks with Arch before. Not that it's been problem free. After the whole wifi-menu bit I used during the install I struggled to get the plasma-nm networkmanager working. long story short: more KDE troubleshooting to follow, no doubt


For some reason mintupdate broke a while back and I lost the icon that tells me I have updates queued. I looked for AAAAGES before I found this forum page: Here's my version: Open a terminal and do     sudo vim /usr/lib/linuxmint/mintUpdate/ Find the following...         auto_refresh = AutomaticRefreshThread(treeview_update, statusIcon, wTree)         auto_refresh.start()         gtk.main() and edit it so that you have         auto_refresh = AutomaticRefreshThread(treeview_update, statusIcon, wTree)         auto_refresh.start()         gtk.gdk.threads_enter()         gtk.main()         gtk.gdk.threads_leave() Save and do an apt-get update, then run mintUpdate again.

default editor

export VISUAL=vim Sets vim as the default editor, I think. At least, when I run: crontab -e  to edit the cron jobs it now opens with vim instead of nano. more details at I should figure out what that export command is really doing. sending an assignment of the editor name to a control file somewhere, I assume. Haven't successfully run a cronjob yet, though.

system art

Rulesets that generate images/combinations of images and music, whatever, from files on the system. Bash script that randomly selects images from the Pictures folder and combines them in different ways using imagemagick. Script that searches for internet images that meet certain criteria then apt-get and do things with them. As above, but creates gif and/or adds a sound effect chosen by similar means.

To Do

I enjoyed that little foray into problem-solving for Mint on the probook, and I learned some good stuff in the process. My C++ self-tutelage is stalling because it's just getting more and more abstract and I don't have any proper examples to work with. So it'd be nice to come up with some stuff to do on the linux system using bash or whatever. I'm going to put some ideas down here to investigate. * Cron jobs. I've been meaning to get around to this. The 1st idea I have is to take the items in my monthly folder and archive them. Or label them with tags. Or something like that. And start a new folder each new month? * Automate my photo process flow. Script that takes the contents of my camera's SD card and treats them how I want to enable uploads to flickr,  backup to the external HDD. Add tags? * Use scripted imagemagick actions to take all photos in my monthly folder, convert them to an appropriate size and resolution, then animate them into a

quick change audio output 3

Well, I couldn't resist plugging away at this and I must say I'm pretty pleased with the results. here's the full script: #!/bin/bash status="$(cat /sys/class/drm/card0-HDMI-A-1/status)" if [ "${status}" = disconnected ] then pactl set-card-profile 0 output:analog-stereo+input:analog-stereo notify-send -i /usr/share/icons/Mint-X/status/48/notification-audio-volume-high.png "Audio Output" "Laptop Speakers" exit elif [ "${status}" = connected ] then pactl set-card-profile 0 output:hdmi-stereo+input:analog-stereo notify-send -i /usr/share/icons/Mint-X/status/48/notification-audio-volume-high.png "Audio Output" "HDMI" exit fi Which I openly admit I got from the dude on that thread, but hey! it's simple enough that I like to think I'd've got there myself without too much trouble. And I've tarted up the notify-send statements so they look professional, with a wee volume icon and a standard

quick change audio output 2

Reasonable success. further down the thread (on February 1st, 2012, 02:00 AM) dar270785 gives a script for dynamically selecting the output, according to the same method I was working out in my previous post. (s)he doesn't use grep for this, but the principle's the same. I tried following those instructions, but although the script works when run manually, it doesn't do so automagically when the HDMI cable is plugged in. I guess that's what the whole /etc/udev/rules.d/ bit is about, but I'm not sure what's going wrong for me. I made sure the script names were right and rebooted the lappy, but no effect. So in the meantime I've settled for a script that's kept in /usr/local/bin (called, and I've tied it to an F9 key shortcut. I'm a bit bothered by the fact that it doesn't actually just toggle the output. If I can't get it to autodetect the HDMI device, and have to press a button, I'd like the button to do a s

quick change audio output

Currently when I plug the laptop into the tv via HDMI I have to manually switch the audio from analogue stereo to hdmi digital (or whatever) by right-clicking the volume applet, choosing preferences, changing to the hardware tab, scrolling up and down trying to remember which profile to use... it's a hassle. So I want to improve on that. My own efforts got nowhere so I searched and found this forum page . The script itself doesn't work for me ("Sink 9 does not exist") which I'm kind of relieved about because that might have been too easy. It's enough of a lead to show me that a small bash script should do the job though and I've already learned: * that by putting executable files in /usr/local/bin (and doing chown 755 if necessary) they can be run like any other program. * that devices have (at least hdmi has) a status file in their folder that's just a text file listing the device status. Run cat /sys/class/drm/card0-HDMI-A-1/status to see. h


Linux Mint 17: following my whole repartitioning of the HDD and fresh installation of Mint in a logical volume at the start of the disk, I never did get thumbnails appearing. Long story short, root owns the thumbnails folder. Do: cd ~/.cache/thumbnails sudo chown mitch:mitch * and it's all OK

backlight/brightness function keys

I've never had the function keys for brightness work on the HP 4340s - the icon comes on screen, but the brightness is unaffected . I found this: and did it, and it worked, but following boot the screen defaults to minimum brightness and has to be manually changed. So I followed advice here to install dconf-tools and set the backlight values there. I'm sure I could find the actual location of these values and do it without dconf, but that's a challenge for another day. For mint mate 17, you can set the default brightness by following steps: sudo apt-get install dconf-tools Applications -> System Tools -> dconf tools, search for backlight, find and change following options: brightness-ac : brightness when use AC powser (charged), brightness-dim-battery : brightness when use battery (not charged),

bash vi

set -o vi to set bash to vim-like controls. will need to add it to . bashrc to make it persistent. strangely difficult to locate this nugget!


Another install, another drama getting icaclient working. So I followed the instructions in my previous post and it worked OK to a point. Firstly, I've learned enough since I the last time that I'm nervous about chucking in repositories willy-nilly especially the sid repo and wheezy repo in the same breath! Anyway, I pushed on recklessly and got ica client installed and working as per the instructions, but it was coming up broken due to an unresolved dependency (that synaptic wouldn't tell me!). apt-get instsall -f didn't work. Long story short: sudo dpkg --configure -a  told me the dependencies that weren't fulfilled and I just did sudo vim /var/lib/dpkg/status /icaclient and deleted the dependencies. Hacky, but I don't care. Then I removed the additional repos from /etc/apt/sources-list so I didn't get all clashing updates from stable and unstable debian repos. So now citrix works as well as I need it to and my packages are up-to-date

diskfilter writes are not supported " It's a BUG! This is a bug that occurs in the most recent version of Ubuntu Server (Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS), when you create the boot partition (or the root partition, when the boot partition doesn't exists) inside a LVM or a RAID partition. You can get more info about this bug in Ubuntu Launchpad: Bug #1274320 "Error: diskfilter writes are not supported" . Why does this bug occur? When the system is booting, GRUB reads ( load_env ) data in /boot/grub/grubenv . This file is called GRUB Environment Block . From the GRUB Manual: It is often useful to be able to remember a small amount of information from one boot to the next. [...] At boot time, the load_env command (see load_env) loads environment variables from it, and the save_env (see save_env) command saves environment variables to it.

mint changes

script the following? set panel to top orientation - done add  worskspace applet (set to 3) - done add .gtkrc-2.0 config file (dark background white text) - done remove "menu" from menu button - done create and apply white menu icon - apply updates - done touchpad two-finger scrolling - done wget [big] wget [smaller] set as desktop (zoomed?) set clock with no date set location to london take off show temperature and weather sudo apt-add-repository ppa:numix/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install numix-icon-theme-circle activate numix theme remove desktop shortcut from panel remove "menu" from menu button sudo apt-get install cairo-dock amend look, advanced, make background transparent position cairodock bottom left corner resize cairo dock remove desktop switcher style cairo dock set cairo-dock to run on

config files to save:

redshift mate-panel? theming? firefox? menu preferences? .gtkrc-2.0 - what can this do? /etc/deafault/grub - done [hdmi sound] .gtk-bookmarks [caja shortcuts to pi(s)] /usr/share/mdm/themes/mitch [or DasMini] - login theme
Add: lvm - done system-config-lvm done caffeine - done (disable screensaver to get it working) synapse - done cairo-dock - done dwarf fortress (sigh) firefox: vimperator - done firefox adblock - ica client - numix icon theme - done calibre - done audacity - done code::blocks - vim - done soulseek - done Remove: gThumb Banshee

webserver stuff

I'm trying to create an application to maintain, update and manage software packages we use at work. In the longer term I'm sure I can figure out how to create a program with a GUI that'll run in windows, but for now my only option is to use shell scripts on my linux box triggered by a browser-based interface. I should do a post about that so my notes are not all just scrawled on index cards and notebooks, but in the meantime I just wanted to record what I had to do to get php pages working from my user directory on the raspberry pi. Basically, you have to enable the userdir module in apache2 (it was already in my directory, so no need to install it first): sudo a2enmod userdir Then edit the php config file ( /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf) to allow php to run from user directories:     #<IfModule mod_userdir.c>         #<Directory /home/*/public_html>             #php_admin_value engine Off         #</Directory>     #</IfModule>   ht

Xorg error

can't star x as non-root user. I think this might be the problem: xinit doesn't read the system-wide /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc file, so you either have to copy it into your home directory as name .xserverrc , or specify vt$XDG_VTNR as command line option in order to preserve session permissions . will try later. [edit] So, it wasn't anything to do with install, permissions, or config I reckon, just user error. The answer is in the blullet point directly above the one quoted from the xinit page of the above: The above commands run Xorg on the same virtual terminal the user is logged in to. [1] This maintains an authenticated session with logind , and prevents bypassing the screen locker by switching terminals. What I was doing was logging in as root, tooling about a bit, then su'ing to my user profile. D'Oh! Works fine when I login as user.

arch 2015

I've installed Arch again, and it was a bit of a slog, making me realise I ought to have kept notes the last time I did it. Here's a bullet point list geared specifically for the hp probook I'm currently using. I had a false start with this install and had to start again and I was amazed how quick it goes when you know what you're doing! I reckon I could blast through another install in 20 mins or so (probably not including the actual download and install steps I have to wait for the computer to do).  Steps I'm ignoring - Partitioning: I assume I've set up LVM volumes beforehand - Format partions and create filesystems (as above) - Select Mirrors: the defaults work fine for me - Configuring locale: en_GB.UTF-8 doesn't seem to work. leave it as the US map - setting the hardware clock. I don't really understand this and won't do it until I know it's necessary - fancy connection options. The laptop will connect to the wireless connection