arch latitude desktops

I've been really bad at writing up what I've been doing recently, probably because I've just been trying stuff and I don't know ahead of time what's going to work or what I'll be happy with.

I was trying to get plasma 5 desktop all configured up real nice, but I was struggling with it a bit. on one hand it was almost TOO slick looking for my low-tech tastes. on the other it didn't seem to be as infinitely configurable as it's made out to be. at least, not so I could figure it out. to cap it all off the thing started crashing on me , so I decided to try mate again. The only thing that's put me off mate when I installed it independent of Mint has been the look, which was dumb, beacause it turns out I was only a theme away from something I like a lot.

Just had a thought; I'll dump my terminal history below. It has lots of stuff there, but other things are missing. I must've used different terminals for those.

Anyway the main points are:

I installed mate packages (including caja and whatnot)

I reverted to my original conky conf file (now .conkyrc) and it seems to work fine (as opposed to in kde)

I grabbed a numix theme from the gnome gtk-2 site. works fine except a few wee tweaks.

dconf-editor seems to be useful util. No doubt it can all be done by hand, but not sure I can be bothered.

um. will update if I think of anything else.

1  sudo pacman -S conky dolphin kdeworkspace
    2  sudo pacman -S conky dolphin kde-workspace
    3  sudo pacman -S conky
    4  pacman -Ss ked workspace
    5  pacman -Ss workspace
    6  pacman -S plasma-workspace
    7  sudo pacman -S plasma-workspace
    8  timedatctl
    9  sudo timedatectl
   10  ls -l /etc/localtime
   11  ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/
   12  ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/GB /etc/localtime
   13  sudo ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/GB /etc/localtime
   14  hwclock --systohc --utc
   15  sudo hwclock --systohc --utc
date "+%r %Z %F"
   17  date "+%r %Z %F"
   18  restart X
   19  pkill X
   20  timedatectl
   21  timedatectl set-local-rtc 0
   22  timedatectl set-local-rtc 1
   23  timedatectl set-time "2015-07-09 21:40:30"
   24  sudo pacman -S kdebase-dolphin kdesdk-dolphin-plugins
   25  ping -c 3
   26  ping -c 3
   27  ping -c 3
   28  ping -c 3
   29  netctl-auto
   30  netctl-auto enable
   31  ping -c 3
   32  ping -c 3
   33  ping -c 3
   34  sudo pacman -S kdsbase-dolphin
   35  sudo pacman -S kdebase-dolphin
   36  ssh root@
   37  sudo pacman -S ssh
   38  sudo pacman -Ss ssh
   39  sudo pacman -Ss ssh
   40  sudo pacman -S openssh
   41  ssh root@
   42  ssh root@
   43  sudo pacman -S dwarffortress
   44  sudo pacman -S dwarfortress
   45  sudo pacman -Ss dwaarffortress
   46  sudo pacman -Ss dwarffortress
   47  sudo pacman -Ss dwarf
   48  sudo pacman -Ss fortress
   49  sudo pacman -Ss df
   50  pacman -Ss dwarffortress
   51  pacman -Ssdwarffortress
   52  sudo pacman -Syy
   53  pacman -Ss dwarffortress
   54  uname -a
   55  vim /etc/pacman.conf
   56  sudo vim /etc/pacman.conf
   57  pacman -Syyu
   58  sudo pacman -Syyu
   59  pacman -Ss dwarffortress
   60  pacman -S dwarffortress
   61  sudo pacman -S dwarffortress
   62  sudo pacman -S dwarffortress
   63  ./df
   64  dwarffortress
   65  ls
   66  sudo mkdir /opt/dwarffortress/data/save
   67  ls
   68  mv -R region1/ /opt/dwarffortress/data/save/
   69  mv -r region1/ /opt/dwarffortress/data/save/
   70  mv region1/ /opt/dwarffortress/data/save/
   71  sudo cp -R region1/ /opt/dwarffortress/data/save/
   72  dwarffortress
   73  dwarffortress
   74  dwarffortress
   75  redshift
   76  ls
   77  ls -a
   78  cd .dwarffortress/
   79  ls
   80  cd data/
   81  cd save/
   82  ls
   83  ls current/
   84  mv region1/ region1.bak/
   85  ls
   86  loadkeys ujk
   87  loadkeys uk
   88  setxkbmap uk
   89  setxkbmap gb
   90  cp ~/region1/ .
   91  cp -R ~/region1/ .
   92  ls
   93  dwarffortress
   94  cd
   95  ls
   96  ls -a
   97  cd .config/
   98  ls
   99  cd ..
  100  ls
  101  mv redshift.conf .config/
  102  ls -a
  103  ls .config/
  104  cp conky.conf .conky.rc
  105  conky & exit
  106  mv .conky.rc .conkyrc
  107  conky
  108  pkill conky.conf
  109  pkill conky
  110  conky
  111  sudo mv /etc/
  112  ls /etc/conf.d/
  113  sudo ls /etc/conf.d/
  114  pacman -S conky
  115  sudo pacman -S conky
  116  vim .conkyrc
  117  conky
  118  Major opcode of failed request:  2 (X_ChangeWindowAttributes)
  119  vim .conkyrc
  120  ls =a
  121  ls -a
  122  ls .dwarffortress/
  123  ls .dwarffortress/data/
  124  ls .dwarffortress/data/save/
  125  ls .dwarffortress/data/save/current/
  126  ls
  127  ls -a
  128  pacman -S redshift-gtk
  129  sudo pacman -S redshift-gtk
  130  sudo pacman -S redshift
  131  redshift
  132  redshift
  133  redshift & exit
  134  conky
  135  vim .conkyrc
  136  conky
  137  pkill conky.conf
  138  pkill conky
  139  conky
  140  ls
  141  cd ~/.dwarffortress/data/
  142  ls
  143  cd art/
  144  ls
  145  cd ..
  146  ls
  147  cd init
  148  ls
  149  mv init.txt init.txt.square
  150  mv init.txt.bak init.txt
  151  tar -xvf dwarftherapist-git.tar.gz
  152  cd dwarftherapist-git
  153  makepkg
  154  sudo pacman texlive-latexextra git
  155  pacman -S texlive-latexextra git
  156  sudo pacman -S texlive-latexextra git
  157  makepkg
  158  ls
  159  pacman -U dwarftherapist-git-1\:
  160  sudo pacman -U dwarftherapist-git-1\:
  161  cp Alloy_curses_12x12.png ~/.dwarffortress/data/art/
  162  vim ~/.dwarffortress/data/init/init.txt
  163  cd ~/.dwarffortress/data/init/
  164  ls
  165  mv init.txt init.txt.bak
  166  mv ~/Downloads/ ./init.txt
  167  sudo vim /etc/sysctl.d/
  168  sudo vim /etc/sysctl.d/
  169  sysctl -w kernel.yama.ptrace_scope=0
  170  sudo sysctl -w kernel.yama.ptrace_scope=0
  171  alias
  172  sudo pacman -Syu
  173  tar -xvf papers-please_1.1.65_i386.tar.gz
  174  cd papers-please
  175  ls
  176  cd pa
  177  file
  178  ./
  179  sudo pacman -S pulseaudio
  180  sudo pacman -S pulseaudio-alsa
  181  ./
  182  pacman -S pavucontrol
  183  pacman -S pavucontrol
  184  sudo pacman -S pavucontrol
  185  pavucontrol
  186  startx
  187  startx
  188  startx
  189  startx
  190  startx
  191  startx
  192  startx
  193  pkill X
  194  pavucontrol
  195  alsamixer
  196  sudo pacman -S alsa
  197  sudo pacman -Ss alsa
  198  alsamixer
  199  alsa
  200  amixer sset Master unmute
  201  sudo pacman -S alsa-utils
  202  alsamixer
  203  amixer sset Master unmute
  204  speaker-test -c 2
  205  ls Downloads/
  206  mkdir games
  207  mv -R Downloads/papers-please games/
  208  mv -r Downloads/papers-please games/
  209  mvdir -R Downloads/papers-please games/
  210  mv -R Downloads/papers-please games/
  211  mv --help
  212  mv Downloads/papers-please games/
  213  cd games/
  214  la
  215  ls
  216  cd papers-please/
  217  ls
  218  ./
  219  alsamixer
  220  ./
  221  loadkeys uk
  222  loadkeys gb
  223  loadkeys=gb
  224  loadkeys=uk
  225  setxkbmap gb
  226  sudo pacman -S alsa-oss
  227  ./
  228  sudo pacman -S snd_seq_oss
  229  sudo pacman -S snd_pcm_oss
  230  sudo pacman -S snd_mixer_oss
  231  sudo pacman -S lib32-libpulse
  232  ./
  233  vim .xinitrc
  234  pkill X
  235  pavucontrol
  236  redshift
  237  redshift & exit
  238  cd games/
  239  ls
  240  cd papers-please/
  241  ./
  242  conkyh
  243  conky & exit
  244  conky
  245  vim .conkyrc
  246  setxkbmap gb
  247  vim .conkyrc
  248  conky
  249  ls -a
  250  cd .config/
  251  ls
  252  vim startupconfig
  253  vim startupconfigkeys
  254  vim systemsettingsrc
  255  cd ..
  256  ls
  257  ls -a
  258  vim conky.conf
  259  mv .conkyrc .conkyrc.sav
  260  mv conky.conf .conkyrc
  261  conky
  262  vim .conkyrc
  263  vim .conkyrc
  264  vim .conkyrc
  265  vim .conkyrc
  266  vim .conkyrc
  267  vim .conkyrc
  268  vim .conkyrc
  269  exit
  270  vim .conkyrc.sav
  271  pkill x
  272  vim .conkyrc
  273  sudo pacman -Syu
  274  pkill x
  275  ls
  276  cd  Downloads/
  277  ls
  278  tar -xvf ambiance-radiance-flat-colors-suite.tar.gz
  279  ls
  280  cd ambiance-radiance-flat-colors-suite
  281  ls
  282  makepkg
  283  pacman -S gtk-engine-unico
  284  sudo pacman -S gtk-engine-unico
  285  cd ..
  286  ls
  287  tar -xvf gtk-engine-unico-bzr.tar.gz
  288  cd gtk-engine-unico-bzr
  289  make
  290  ls
  291  makepkg
  292  pacman -S bzr gnome-common
  293  sudo pacman -S bzr gnome-common
  294  makepkg
  295  cd ../ambiance-radiance-flat-colors-suite
  296  makepkg
  297  cd ..
  298  ls
  299  cdc gtk-engine-unico-bzr
  300  cd gtk-engine-unico-bzr
  301  makepkg
  302  ls
  303  pacman -U gtk-engine-unico-bzr-139-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
  304  sudo pacman -U gtk-engine-unico-bzr-139-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
  305  cd ..
  306  cd ambiance-radiance-flat-colors-suite
  307  makepkg
  308  pacman -S U ambiance-radiance-flat-colors-suite
  309  sudo pacman -S U ambiance-radiance-flat-colors-suite
  310  ls
  311  ls
  312  pacman -U ambiance-radiance-flat-colors-suite-15.04.4-1-any.pkg.tar.xz
  313  sudo pacman -U ambiance-radiance-flat-colors-suite-15.04.4-1-any.pkg.tar.xz
  314  cd  Downloads/
  315  tar -xvf numix-circle-icon-theme-git.tar.gz
  316  cd numix-circle-icon-theme-git
  317  makepkg
  318  cd ..
  319  ls
  320  tar -xvf numix-icon-theme-git.tar.gz
  321  cd numix-icon-theme-git
  322  makepkg
  323  pacman -U numix-icon-theme-git-0.r948.084cc02-1-any.pkg.tar.xz
  324  sudo pacman -U numix-icon-theme-git-0.r948.084cc02-1-any.pkg.tar.xz
  325  cd ..
  326  ls
  327  cd numix-circle-icon-theme-git
  328  ls
  329  makepkg
  330  pacman -U numix-circle-icon-theme
  331  pacman -U numix-circle-icon-theme-git-0.r2535.915fe03-1-any.pkg.tar.xz
  332  sudo pacman -U numix-circle-icon-theme-git-0.r2535.915fe03-1-any.pkg.tar.xz
  333  restart x
  334  pkill x
  335  systemsettings5
  336  pkill x
  337  startx
  338  startx
  339  startx
  340  startx
  341  startx
  342  startx
  343  sudo pacman -Ss mate
  344  sudo pacman -Ss mate-desktp
  345  sudo pacman -Ss mate-desktop
  346  startx
  347  sudo pacman -S mate-desktop
  348  vim .xinitrc
  349  startx
  350  vim .xinitrc
  351  startx
  352  vim .xinitrc
  353  startx
  354  sudo pacman -S mate
  355  vim .xinitrc
  356  startx
  357  vim .xinitrc
  358  startx
  359  startx
  360  startx
  361  sudo pacman synapse
  362  sudo pacman -S synapse
  363  pacman -Rs konsole
  364  sudo pacman -Rs konsole
  365  pacman -Rs kode
  366  sudo pacman -Rs kode
  367  sudo pacman -Rs kde
  368  sudo pacman -Rs i3
  369  sudo pacman -Rs plasma
  370  sudo pacman -S conky
  371  conky & exit
  372  sudo pacman -S mateconf-editor
  373  pacman -Ss mateconf
  374  sudo !
  375  sudo sudo !
  376  pacman -Ss mateconf
  377  sudo pacman -Ss mateconf
  378  pacman -S mate-control-center
  379  sudo pacman -S mate-control-center
  380  mate-control-center
  381  sudo pacman -S mate-terminal
  382  startx
  383  vim .conkyrc
  384  mv conky.conf .conkyrc
  385  conky
  386  `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
  387  sudo pacman -s dconf-editor
  388  sudo pacman -S dconf-editor
  389  dconf-editor
  390  vim .conkyrc
  391  conky & exit
  392  setxkbmap uk
  393  setxkbmap gb
  394  vim laptop_todo
  395  vim laptop_todo
  396  ls
  397  vim laptop_todo.txt
  398  cp laptop_todo laptop_todo.txt
  399  rm laptop_todo
  400  vim laptop_todo.txt
  401  some random stuff
  402  dconf-editor
  403  history
[mitch@latitude ~]$


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