
Showing posts from May, 2014

probook #! changes 2

cont. * removed myself from audio group deluser <user> audio * tinkered with the tint2rc, but it's backed up so not really an issue * 15 and 16 from "Round off your Crunchbang Waldorf" ICA Client (citrix receiver): OK, I thought I'd streamlined this before , before I got this done much quicker this time!  Forget compiling nspluginwrapper, manually creating those missing directories, editing the post-install script, etc. Here's what happened today on the probook. From this page followed these instructions: 1) Enable 32 bit architecture: % dpkg --add-architecture i386 (check, if you like) dpkg --print-architecture  amd64 dpkg --print-foreign-architectures i386 2) Add 32 bit repositories to /etc/apt/sources.list deb [arch=amd64,i386] unstable main contrib non-free  While you're in there, add: deb squeeze main contrib non-free from the advice here . 3) Up

probook #! changes

 as per this * add debian backports and set pin priorities * add signing key for deb multimedia * upgrade aptitude * comment out Jessie source * tried updating iceweasel as per the instructions but got: Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "flashplugin-mozilla" I reactivated the Jessie source and tried again, but the same thing happened. Ignoring that for now since I'm not too bothered about iceweasel, but I guess I might have problems since I've purged the old flashplugin! Moving away from that guide for a moment because I want to get my wireless working. Having added the backports this method should work. aptitude -t wheezy-backports install linux-image-$(uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,') firmware-ralink I need to reboot to see if this has worked, but it's giving me this in the meantime: The following NEW packages will be installed:   linux-image-3.14-0.bpo.1-amd64{a} The following packages will be upgraded:


Things I need to follow up on: Save Skype video messages Crunchbang via Debian netinstall  especially this  (here's some more detail ) Round icons for tint2

HP 4340s probook

Work had this laptop with a broken screen and I was asked if I could use it for anything - hells yeah! £40 for a new screen from Laptop Adapters via Amazon , a few Youtube videos and half an hour's work and I have a new computer. I had intended to keep Windows 7 on there for games and for C. to use and so forth, but I actually couldn't stand it. Apart from how sloooow it was and the uuuuppppddaaattteesss and crappy touchpad functionality and whatnot, the hdd was all partitioned out to "hp tools" and "hp recovery" and stuff, so I couldn't even get a satisfactory LVM setup to dual boot with. After tooling around for a while I finally scrubbed it and put on linux Mint 17... which I also couldn't get partions I was happy with since I didn't have enough control at install time. Anyhoo, after days of messing around with different options I finally decided enough was enough and used a #! live disc to set up an extended partition with a linux vol

LVM - cannot create new logical volume

This is on a new laptop that I shrank the windows partition on and used a live CD to create a PV and volume group on. It wouldn't let me create a logical volume, giving me various messages like, the named volume wasn't found, volume group needed cleared, whatever. Found a page suggesting udev needed reloaded, but I don't want to have to do that 'cause I'm using the gui system-config-lvm and I don't want to have to update the live disc's repositories and re-install that again... sudo udevadm control --reload-rules Sorted , straight off.

Random SLiM background persists as wallpaper

Documented here .

Xorg keymaps

Arch installation hitlist: getting correct keyboard layout. Finally got to this page in the Archbang wiki which describes adding a line to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-edev.conf (bolded): Section "InputClass" Identifier "evdev keyboard catchall" MatchIsKeyboard "on"  MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"  Driver "evdev"  Option "XkbLayout" "uk"   EndSection [Edit] This didn't work, either after restarting X or rebooting the OS. Looks like this might be the way forward. "gb" instead of "uk". [Edit] This works. Thank God!