remove window decoration
I want to get rid of window decorations. Hard to find simple instructions, but eventually made an attempt: How can I turn off window titlebars (window decorations) in gnome shell/mutter? and where it links the instructions under "Method 2" here, First I had to find the xml file. Look in ~/.themes/curretntly\ selected\ theme//index.theme This pointed me to the theme Ambience-Flat-AA-GnomeShell/metacity-1/metacity-theme-2.xml which I backed up and then edited with the values described in the post. Now to restart X and see what's what... [Edit] nothing happened. I'm pretty sure the window decoration can be removed via metacity settings or some gtk tweak, but in the end I installed devilspie and gdevilspie and following a reboot, I have no titlebars .neat [edit, 16/1/16] Finally decided that the lack of borders made distiniguishing all my title-bar-less windows with identical grey styling diffucult. Activated compositing and immediately got drop shadows, wh...