
Showing posts from September, 2015

remove window decoration

I want to get rid of window decorations. Hard to find simple instructions, but eventually made an attempt: How can I turn off window titlebars (window decorations) in gnome shell/mutter? and where it links the instructions under "Method 2" here, First I had to find the xml file. Look in ~/.themes/curretntly\ selected\ theme//index.theme This pointed me to the theme Ambience-Flat-AA-GnomeShell/metacity-1/metacity-theme-2.xml which I backed up and then edited with the values described in the post. Now to restart X and see what's what... [Edit] nothing happened. I'm pretty sure the window decoration can be removed via metacity settings or some gtk tweak, but in the end I installed devilspie and gdevilspie and following a reboot, I have no titlebars .neat [edit, 16/1/16]  Finally decided that the lack of borders made distiniguishing all my title-bar-less windows with identical grey styling diffucult. Activated compositing and immediately got drop shadows, wh

arch menu icon

I had replaced the mate-panel menu icon with the arch logo, When I scaled down the panel, it flipped back at a certain size. I finally found that it had changes from /usr/share/icons/Numix/24x24/places/start-here.svg to /usr/share/icons/Numix/16x16/places/start-here.svg. Replaced the icon, killed panel, job done.

virtualbox drag and drop

Guest additions needs to be activated. You've probably got as far as mounting it. from the terminal at /media/cdrom/ sudo sh ./ ought to do it. Make sure the guest settings are right for drag and drop and clipboard. I couldn't get this working with Debian for some reason (fucking Debian), but it works with CentOs and Linux Mint.

pdf to png/jpg/etc

Not often I learn something at work that I need to put on here. Anyway, imagemagick: convert -density 600 input_file.pdf output_file.png Gives me a lovely hi-def version of the image. Too hi, probs, but at least it's relatively easy to resize (down) once it's in the appropriate image format.


From here:   swap the colon and semi colon characters to minimise shift-pressing:   nnoremap ; :   nnoremap : ;     

test lab 1

I have windows server 2012 installed on an old laptop (Advent) and Windows 7 installed on a newer, but cheap laptop (Asus). I'm just at the initial page when server is asking what roles I want to set up, and I thought I'd make notes as I go along. Maybe it'd be sensible to read up ahead of time, but I'm not going toI'm just going to dive right in. OK, the roles and features wizard is asking me to verify that the Admin account has a strong password - check. Network settings, such as static IP addresses are configured - nope. Security updates are in place. Well no, but I don't care about that. IP addresses.... well fuck it, I'll batter on while the baby's asleep. ... My laptop's too shit to run hypervisor. Going to knock it off for now and rethink.

Setting up test lab - 1

losing network (dell latitude)

This has been bothering me for a while, and I've been rebooting to get reconnected. Not a good solution. The following command just worked for me: netctl restart my-network I'll continue testing with this and see if it works out for me. Forums suggest this is a bug with netctl and downgrading to an earlier version of wpa-supplicant might be a fix. [UPDATE] the above command won't work on if the ip interface (for me wlp2s0) is already up - the netctl service won't touch it. To correct: ip link set wlp2s0 down then netctl restart my-network the my-network profile is kept at /etc/netcl/ btw.