
Showing posts from May, 2015

VLC not playing DVD, Handbrake not getting source...

install libdvdcss

trying to get AUR packages to work

crappy fonts

Arch & KDE Plasma 5

Man, I just can't give up on Arch. It calls to me. I feel good about this one, though. My previous experience and lean, customised install guide mean I managed to get the install process down to about 40 minutes last night. Here't the reall revelation: KDE plasma 5, easily installed from the main repos and it looks good enough to use from the off. Finally. The whole configuration of a decnt looking DE was what really stopped me in my tracks with Arch before. Not that it's been problem free. After the whole wifi-menu bit I used during the install I struggled to get the plasma-nm networkmanager working. long story short: more KDE troubleshooting to follow, no doubt


For some reason mintupdate broke a while back and I lost the icon that tells me I have updates queued. I looked for AAAAGES before I found this forum page: Here's my version: Open a terminal and do     sudo vim /usr/lib/linuxmint/mintUpdate/ Find the following...         auto_refresh = AutomaticRefreshThread(treeview_update, statusIcon, wTree)         auto_refresh.start()         gtk.main() and edit it so that you have         auto_refresh = AutomaticRefreshThread(treeview_update, statusIcon, wTree)         auto_refresh.start()         gtk.gdk.threads_enter()         gtk.main()         gtk.gdk.threads_leave() Save and do an apt-get update, then run mintUpdate again.