
Showing posts from January, 2015

webserver stuff

I'm trying to create an application to maintain, update and manage software packages we use at work. In the longer term I'm sure I can figure out how to create a program with a GUI that'll run in windows, but for now my only option is to use shell scripts on my linux box triggered by a browser-based interface. I should do a post about that so my notes are not all just scrawled on index cards and notebooks, but in the meantime I just wanted to record what I had to do to get php pages working from my user directory on the raspberry pi. Basically, you have to enable the userdir module in apache2 (it was already in my directory, so no need to install it first): sudo a2enmod userdir Then edit the php config file ( /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf) to allow php to run from user directories:     #<IfModule mod_userdir.c>         #<Directory /home/*/public_html>             #php_admin_value engine Off         #</Directory>     #</IfModule>   ht

Xorg error

can't star x as non-root user. I think this might be the problem: xinit doesn't read the system-wide /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc file, so you either have to copy it into your home directory as name .xserverrc , or specify vt$XDG_VTNR as command line option in order to preserve session permissions . will try later. [edit] So, it wasn't anything to do with install, permissions, or config I reckon, just user error. The answer is in the blullet point directly above the one quoted from the xinit page of the above: The above commands run Xorg on the same virtual terminal the user is logged in to. [1] This maintains an authenticated session with logind , and prevents bypassing the screen locker by switching terminals. What I was doing was logging in as root, tooling about a bit, then su'ing to my user profile. D'Oh! Works fine when I login as user.

arch 2015

I've installed Arch again, and it was a bit of a slog, making me realise I ought to have kept notes the last time I did it. Here's a bullet point list geared specifically for the hp probook I'm currently using. I had a false start with this install and had to start again and I was amazed how quick it goes when you know what you're doing! I reckon I could blast through another install in 20 mins or so (probably not including the actual download and install steps I have to wait for the computer to do).  Steps I'm ignoring - Partitioning: I assume I've set up LVM volumes beforehand - Format partions and create filesystems (as above) - Select Mirrors: the defaults work fine for me - Configuring locale: en_GB.UTF-8 doesn't seem to work. leave it as the US map - setting the hardware clock. I don't really understand this and won't do it until I know it's necessary - fancy connection options. The laptop will connect to the wireless connection


Tried to install elemerntary os freya beta on sda1 (where luna was previously). This failed and apparently too the MBR and grub2 with it. Tried to fix with grml usb, but that made loud noises and I couldn't reinstall grub2 or do anything once chrooted into mint ("could not resolve host grml", "sudo: grub2-install command not found" it whinged). Fixed it by following article in Linux Voice. Booted up ubuntu live CD (which took forever), then: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair (LV had this down as Boot Repair, so had to fiddle that right!) sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair run boot-repair , then just click the recommended action button to let it fix the bootloader. reference url it gave me: 9710851/ Phew. Now I need to look at using sda1 and its 200 gigs for something constructive.


abcde - I couldn't figure out how to set all the settings in ~/.abcde.conf. Pain in the arse that NONE of the settings are activated by default. So I grabbed some other guy's config file (for mp3) from and slapped that in. installed eyeD3 (whatever that is - a python script for the metadata?) and that's it. Stick the disc in, run abcde and let it do it's thing. Of course, I had already installed cdparanoia and lame.