
I have an old desktop pc in the office running as a server and I usually just mess about on it via SSH. Couple of times I've wanted to move files about and I always manage to do it eventually with putty's psftp function, but I always forget how it works and have to search up how to do it again...

SO. is the source of the following information.

Navigating the remote directory is pretty much just the usual shell commands (without useful filename expansion). 

Navigating the local pc (the bit that confused me) requires commands like: 

lpwd (local present working directory)

lcd e:\ (change local working directory - to a USB on Windows in this case)

!dir (list contents of local working directory)

put filename (puts a copy of the file named in the remote working directory)

Because I'm getting slightly to grips with how this stuff works I did put -r in this case because I was copying a directory and I wanted to recursively move all the contents over. Look at me go!


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