
Showing posts from 2022

Enable touchpad while typing - Gnome Manjaro XPS gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.touchpad disable-while-typing false

PICO-8 run fullscreen

 Not just fullscreen windowed, but with the actual console display area maximised inside the window.  This is intended for my 1:1 ratio lenovo monitor ON RASPBERRY PI. The key is to run the launch command with the following arguments: $ home/pico-8/pico8 -draw_rect 0,0,1920,1920 The config.txt file does not accept this flag as far as I've been able to determine, so you need to do the following: Create a new pico8.desktop file in /usr/share/applications and use the following config: [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=Pico-8 Comment=Pico-8 Fantasy Console Icon=/usr/share/pixmaps/lexaloffle-pico8.png Exec=/home/mitch/pico-8/pico8 -draw_rect 0,0,1920,1920 Terminal=false Categories=Development; Then add the icon png from the folder to /usr/share/pixmaps reboot, or restart the window manager with lxpanelctl restart Use the menu entry for pico8 to create a desktop icon Hopeully that'll save you some time

install .deb package to arch

 Read around the various different methods, but the best option seems to be using debtap to convert, then pacman to install. This is for the Aseprite sprite editor, for future reference. Steps: - download snapshot of debtap from the AUR - install it in the usual way - update it: debtap -u - run  debtap Aseprite-[whatever the filename is].deb - install the resulting .zst package with (sudo) pacman -U aseprite[whatever].pkg.tar.zst ...and it works straight off the bat. Pleasing.

Keybindings XPS

TL;DR xmodmap -e 'keycode 135=' Might need to add it to .xinitrc or .bashrc for permanence Backstory Wanted to also disable caps lock and context menu in Arch. Capslock can be disabled with setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps which maybe should be in .xinitrc but I just put it in .bashrc because I don't care any more. [Update: found I could disable it in keyboard settings! Doh. no option for context menu however] Trying to do the same with context menu key was harder, since I couldn't identify a setxkbmap  option for it (see this gist and localectl list-x11-keymap-options for why). So then I'm looking for a utility that'll give me the key when I hit it in the terminal, so I end up installing xorg-xev  and its output is not readily comprehensible but it seems that this is the data: KeyPress event, serial 38, synthetic NO, window 0x4800001,     root 0x55c, subw 0x0, time 1940314, (592,577), root:(657,1719),     state 0x0, keycode 135 (keysym 0xff67, Menu), same_scree

Dual screen settings XPS

- join displays - set both to 16:9 - make built in display primary - put external display on top (current setup) Sometimes the setup is correct but it *looks* wrong because on-screen stuff like conky gets smeared out over the displays.  Pkill conky and restart it in a background thread with terminal: conky && exit

Windows context menu key

I spent an hour trying to figure out how to do this via the registery, but in the end I installed sharpkeys

just in case ran the sudo /sbin/ldconfig -v command  It hasn't solved my problem, but it might just fuck my shit up

Week of year

Sometime I like to use the week of the year instead of the date. Until today I've been searching up a webpage every time - I don't need it often enough to bookmark, even. Anyway, today TIL that bash will return the week from  date +%U 😲 Looks like JS is not so straightforward tho - you can google that if you need it. 😉 UPDATE: although the above usually works fine for me, I discovered that the U command assumes that weeks begin on a SUNDAY when, as we know, they actually begin on MONDAY. The correct command is therefore date +%W