
Showing posts from March, 2017

wifi confirmation

`systemctl start netctl-auto@wlp58s0` is definitely the way to go in the first instance when I don't automatically connect to an established profile. I think in the past I would restart netctl and that would take ownership away from from netctl-auto and that's when things started getting additionally messed up.

Statusline Arrows

I really want to use input mono as my main font for coding, but it seems to push out the alignment on my vim-airline and powerline-shell statuslines. Rather than get into a whole thing patching fonts with super-tweaked arrow icons I just decided I could live with square separators. Vim-Airline Add this to .vimrc : let g:airline_left_sep = '' let g:airline_right_sep = '' Add what you like between the quotes for separators. Powerline-shell Add --mode flat as a flag to the line that calls the python script in .bashrc . The other thing I did with powerline-shell was edit to the ‘untracked’ character is not u2753 , which is not available on any of the patched fonts. I used u26A0 which is a triangle with an exclaimation mark. Seems appropriate. I also finally figured out that the colors in powerline-shell/themes/ are the ones shown here - cterm or something, I dunno. Backup change the colors as you

Blogging Like a Hacker

Testing YAML front matter for pushing blogposts to blogger from .

the latest wifi adventure

more flakiness systemctl enable netctl-auto@wlp58s0 systemctl start netctl-auto@wlp58s0 No idea if some of my earlier actions ( netctl-auto enable-all ) or the stopped status of netctl had anything to do with anything. Not tested resume from suspend yet.


Every so often I get sucked into the wifi-config labyrinth. I have my standard things I try: $ netctl restart my-network $ ip link set wlp58s0 down etc Here’s what I had to do this time: $ netctl stop-all $ systemctl start netctl-auto@wlp58s0 I don’t know what the interface was hung on. Hopefully I’ll learn to do all this stuff properply one day… Written with StackEdit .

Test Export

Test I’m using stackedit to write markdown docs and save them to googledocs. I’ve just seen that there’s an option to export to blogger, so I’m testing how the formatting works. Here’s an inline code block , and here’s a code paragraph For (i=0; i<10; i++) { etc etc } I guess in a perfect world I'd be able to add syntax highlighting... What else? quoted text block? Subheading -[ ] checkboxes don’t even work -[ ] in stackedit -[ ] with github formatting on :-( and so forth.