
Showing posts from September, 2016


 Installling ghost locally . Warning recived during install: Upgrading Ghost involves replacing old files with the new files, and restarting the server. However, as the database, image uploads and custom themes are stored alongside Ghost in the content directory, care should be taken to only replace the necessary files as explained at . It is highly recommended that you make a backup of your data before upgrading. To backup all the data from your database, log into your Ghost install and go to /ghost/debug/. Press the export button to download a JSON file containing all of your data.

netctl issues? netctl-auto not working?

Throwing errors: could not create configuration file for wlp58s0 blah blah in journalctl -xe? sudo killall dhcpcp sudo ip link set wlp58s0 down systemctl start netctl-auto@[network]@wlp58s0

Disable touchpad

Today's mission has been to effectively disable the touchpa on the xps so I can take a more keyboard-driven approach and type in an uninhibited manner without weird annoying shit happening all the time. Long story short, the best way of doing this is with synclient: > synclient TouchpadOff=1 to disable the touchpad and, unsurprisingly > synclient TouchpadOff=0 to enable it again. Now, I can't rely on always being able to remember that stuff in however many month's time I need it again, so I've aliased the commands "ontouchpad" and "offtouchpad" to the relevent instructions. this equates to "on" and "off" when autocomplete is used via TAB. FURTHERmore, I have set Fn+F8 to synclient TouchpadOff=1 so I can quickly deactivate the pad in the heat of the moment. I tried a couple of scripts I found online to toggle the touchpad, but they didn't work for some reasons I didn't prioritise identifying. so, FYI...


In the process of backing up, de-duplicating and collating all the photos from my laptop, the external storage HDD etc. I used the following: $ du -sh Pictures/ du = disc usage -sh = summarise, human-readable Pictures/ = directory path $ find Pictures/ -type f | wc -l find = find Pictures/ = directory path -type f = specify type as file | wc -l = print newline counts (see wc --help for specifics) So it basically lists all the files in Pictures/ but instead of outputting to a txt file it pipes the results to wc, which reads stdout as if it was a txt file, and returns newlines (each of which corresponds to a file). I don't know whether directories are omitted or not. Now I skip down to the bit about FSlint, only I install rmlint instead, which seems to be the commandline equivalent recommended by Arch. $ rmlint On it's own looks for empty and duplicate files in the current directory. It ge...

rpi wifi

I followed the post here: to get a rpi wirelessly connected via a dongle. I set it with a static IP (207), but for some reason it's on the network twice - as 207 and 217. Why? Don't fucking know, don't fucking care.

launch steam

LD_PRELOAD='/usr/$LIB/ /usr/$LIB/ /usr/$LIB/ /usr/$LIB/' /usr/bin/steam on xps I don't pretend to understand it

vim find/replace

:8,20 s/search_term/replace_with/g :%s/foo/bar/gc - search whole doc, ask for confirmation