
Showing posts from February, 2014


I was pretty happy using CLI for navigation and file-y stuff when I was first recommended cdparanoia, but the prospect of using it to rip CDs seemed too perverse. I've just had another go, and it's super easy. cdparanoia -B is the key command. It'll rip all tracks from the current disc drive to the current working folder. then $ lame track01.cdda.wav to encode a track as mp3. To do this for all the tracks in the folder: $ for t in track{01..18}*.wav; do lame $t; done and then it's just a matter of rm *wav to get rid of those. Though should I maybe back up the wav files to an external hdd though? decisions. Oh, and here's where I go the straight answers above.

LVM snapshots

I'd used LVM to set up logical volumes as per this guide on my last crunchbang install. I created root, home and swap volumes for my main distro and then later (as per Funishment post) set up similar volumes to dual-boot Arch. The snapshot bit looked beyond me at the time so I never got round to that. Now I'm confident enough to get GRML installed to USB and use that, with LVM in the command line (as opposed to the system-config-lvm gui) to follow the instructions here . So, there's not much more to say, beyond following the instructions on the thread. Initially I thought about using LVM to shrink the crunchbang root volume, which I've crazily allocated nearly 20GB after running out of space for the OS last time and having to grow it with LVM. Shat it, though. the thought of messing up the root partition while trying to find a way to back up the root partition was too scary. So I went ahead and allocated 4G to the snap volume instead of the 1G used in the example

Post-child return to linux

I've not kept track of all the system changes I've made here. I probably missed out some stuff where I removed decorations from all my windows and then set shortcuts via keybindings. Anyway, nothing too stressful. The Arch partitions on my laptop are being ignored completely so I think it's time to give up on that project and try something a little less overwhelming. Archbang maybe, if that's not too close to Arch. Maybe something else, I dunno. I even sort of fancy Mint, maybe. Do I? Torn. At any rate, before I stary messing around with partitions and installations and whatnot again, I really felt I ought to make a proper system backup. I really don't fancy going though the whole setup process again and pawing through this blog to figure out that Citrix bullshit for a third time. Oh Christ, and Steam. brrrr. So I've spent a few days looking over the LVM monumental post on the crunchbang forums and finally felt confident in pursuing the snapshop and ar