Glutton for Funishment

So I got #! up and running with Steam, Citrix Receiver, Dropbox, Skype etc. all the things I needed. Got Handbrake to backup my DVDs to hard drive - and it works. Got them playing through OpenElec on the Raspberry Pi (Anynet+ CEC isn't working, but there's a new HDMI cable in the post that'll sort that I'm sure).

Twiddles thumbs.

Maybe it's time to have a stab at Arch, eh?

* Set up new logical volumes on the existing volume group from #! using sudo system-config-lvm (feel slightly bad about using the GUI)
* Write ISO to USB, install using the beginner's guide.
* Make sure to add the right hooks for LVM
* Struggle slightly with understanding how to add new OS to GRUB, but sort it out reasonably quickly
* Boot Arch, install, install xfce.

huh. not so scary. almost... disappointingly straightforward.

Obviously I'm realising I have a slightly unhealthy addiction here.


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