
Showing posts from 2013

Glutton for Funishment

So I got #! up and running with Steam, Citrix Receiver, Dropbox, Skype etc. all the things I needed. Got Handbrake to backup my DVDs to hard drive - and it works. Got them playing through OpenElec on the Raspberry Pi (Anynet+ CEC isn't working, but there's a new HDMI cable in the post that'll sort that I'm sure). Twiddles thumbs. Maybe it's time to have a stab at Arch, eh? * Set up new logical volumes on the existing volume group from #! using sudo system-config-lvm (feel slightly bad about using the GUI) * Write ISO to USB, install using the beginner's guide . * Make sure to add the right hooks for LVM * Struggle slightly with understanding how to add new OS to GRUB, but sort it out reasonably quickly * Boot Arch, install, install xfce. huh. not so scary. almost... disappointingly straightforward. Obviously I'm realising I have a slightly unhealthy addiction here.


Been all round the houses with this one. long story short, this is the route to take . Just get the current script from the guithub page and amend any paths in the instructions accordingly.

icaclient debian crunchbang

Trying to get Citrix Receiver working on a fresh install of #! Waldorf. I'm sure I had the 64-bit version up and running several months ago with relatively little hassle, but something seems to have changed, and I couldn't find the blog post I cribbed my solution from last time. Having spent about 8 hours intermittently working on this, I'm pretty sure it's  the removal of nspluginwrapper from the repos that's done me in, but I can't be sure. My torturous route to partial success today has involved so many blind alleys, red herrings and near embolisms that I almost don't know what all I've done, but I think these are the significant steps: * Enable 32-bit architecture and install the required dependencies * Compile the bastard nspluginwrapper - couldn't get it working any other way * I also had to manually create all the friggin' directories it wanted, for some reason, in /usr/lib/. Don't know why the script couldn't do it * Dow...