
Showing posts from March, 2021

changing rtrio to boot sonic pi

 after installing sonic pi, I try to run it, get error: `You don't appear to have a sane system configuration.` lol. yeah probably.  `It is very likely that you encounter xruns.` no idea what that means. anyway, I take the advice and add  `  @audio          -       rtprio          99` to `/etc/security/limits.conf` I note it here beccause I _suspect_ it's going to stop me pushing my volume levels over 100, which will probably baffle and anger me down the line. update:  as per my usual reckless approach, I've installed realtime-priveleges package and added my username to the realtime group. no diff that "sane system" and "realtime scheduling" message comes from jackd. running "jackd -d backend --help" shows it in the terminal. Now I'm thinking it's to do with pulsaudio settings maybe. did all this: which feels dumb, because these are big packages I'm adding a