
retropie pico-8 on 1:1 lenovo monitor take 2

 Setting up retropie for my square monitor. Problems: - flashing screen on both batocera and rteropie images. solved by editing `/boot/config.txt` to include `hdmi_group=2 hdmi_mode=9`  - add pico-8. needed to add the rpi version of the softwaree then update `/etc/emulationstation/es_systems.txt` with the following:  <system>     <name>pico8</name>     <fullname>PICO-8</fullname>     <path>/home/pi/pico-8</path>     <extension>.sh .SH</extension>     <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 "/home/pi/pico-8/pico8 -draw_rect 0,0,800,600 -splore "</command>     <platform>pico8</platform>     <theme>pico8</theme>   </system> getting to `-draw_rect 0,0,800,600` took a bit of trial and error and I'm still not sure it's right because the monitor is 1:1 so why would it be that? but looks fullscreen now at least.
hdmi_mode Resolution Frequency Screen Aspect Notes 1 VGA (640×480) 60Hz 4:3 2 480p 60Hz 4:3 3 480p 60Hz 16:9 4 720p 60Hz 16:9 5 1080i 60Hz 16:9 6 480i 60Hz 4:3 7 480i 60Hz 16:9 8 240p 60Hz 4:3 9 240p 60Hz 16:9 10 480i 60Hz 4:3 pixel quadrupling 11 480i 60Hz 16:9 pixel quadrupling 12 240p 60Hz 4:3 pixel quadrupling 13 240p 60Hz 16:9 pixel quadrupling 14 480p 60Hz 4:3 pixel doubling 15 480p 60Hz 16:9 pixel doubling 16 1080p 60Hz 16:9 17 576p 50Hz 4:3 18 576p 50Hz 16:9 19 720p 50Hz 16:9 20 1080i 50Hz 16:9 21 576i 50Hz 4:3 22 576i 50Hz 16:9 23 288p 50Hz 4:3 24 288p 50Hz 16:9 25 576i 50Hz 4:3 pixel quadrupling 26 576i 50Hz 16:9 pixel quadrupling 27 288p 50Hz 4:3 pixel quadrupling 28 288p 50Hz 16:9 pixel quadrupling 29 576p 50Hz 4:3 pixel doubling 30 576p 50Hz 16:9 pixel doubling 31 1080p 50Hz 16:9 32 1080p 24Hz 16:9 33 1080p 25Hz 16:9 34 1080p 30Hz 16:9 35 480p 60Hz 4:3 pixel quadrupling 36 480p 60Hz 16:9 pixel quadrupling 37 576p 50Hz 4:3 pixel quadrupling 38 576p 50Hz 16:9 pixel quadrupl

Windows kill port process

  netstat -ano | findstr :8080 (the port number) This should give you the process to kill. You can then run: taskkill /F /PID 12017(or whatever the process ID is)

Stop vs code opening shit

  xdg-mime default nautilus.desktop inode/directory This sets nautilus as the default app for opening directories instead of vs code. I actually set  xdg-mime default nemo.desktop inode/directory I'm guessing at some point I'll want to refer back to this because vs code will try to open some other thing I don't want it to 🙄

XPS Manjaro lag and freezing

 Have had lagging and freezing since switching to Manjaro. Turns out I don't have a swap partition - how could that have happened?!  I've added a swapfile since I don't want to mess around with my partitions

Enable touchpad while typing - Gnome Manjaro XPS gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.touchpad disable-while-typing false

PICO-8 run fullscreen

 Not just fullscreen windowed, but with the actual console display area maximised inside the window.  This is intended for my 1:1 ratio lenovo monitor ON RASPBERRY PI. The key is to run the launch command with the following arguments: $ home/pico-8/pico8 -draw_rect 0,0,1920,1920 The config.txt file does not accept this flag as far as I've been able to determine, so you need to do the following: Create a new pico8.desktop file in /usr/share/applications and use the following config: [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=Pico-8 Comment=Pico-8 Fantasy Console Icon=/usr/share/pixmaps/lexaloffle-pico8.png Exec=/home/mitch/pico-8/pico8 -draw_rect 0,0,1920,1920 Terminal=false Categories=Development; Then add the icon png from the folder to /usr/share/pixmaps reboot, or restart the window manager with lxpanelctl restart Use the menu entry for pico8 to create a desktop icon Hopeully that'll save you some time